Average Cost of Braces

Do you know what all factors into the average cost of braces? There is a lot more that goes into it than simply paying a flat fee to get straighter teeth. You need to consider how healthy your mouth is, how old you are, and the types of braces available at your orthodontist’s office. Plus, the office is going to have fees to pay the staff that does the work. All in all, if you want to know more about the average cost of braces, the best place to start is with a consultation.

What You Will Learn During Your Consultation

Average Cost Of BracesWhen you get an orthodontic consultation, the orthodontic staff is going to take a look at your mouth’s overall health. When teeth come in crooked, they tend to overlap. This can be where food and plaque build up and cause cavities. Any cavities should be taken care of before beginning the process of getting braces. From there, you will discuss your oral health goals and what you hope your smile will look like. Then, you can compare the results with the different types of braces available to give you the look you want.

Getting a Quote for the Average Cost of Braces for You

Once you have a professional consultation, you will get a much better idea of what the cost will be for your situation. Figure on the price being somewhere between $3,000 and $7,000 on average, so long as your mouth is healthy to begin with. From there, it depends on how well your mouth responds and which type of braces you choose.

Turn to the Professionals at Princeton Orthodontics to Find Out More

Dr. Jonathan Nicozisis and the team at the Princeton Orthodontics are experts in dentistry and orthodontics. We are happy to answer any questions pertaining to the average cost of braces in Princeton, New Jersey. If you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nicozisis, please contact Princeton Orthodontics at 609-924-3271.