Does Getting Braces Hurt? 6 Tips on How to Reduce Pain

Getting braces can be daunting for many patients as they anticipate the pain that comes with it. If you are one of these patients, you need to set the right expectations. Does getting braces hurt? Here are some of the most important factors you need to know before getting braces treatment in Princeton.

#1 – There are different types of braces.

At present, orthodontic braces are available in metal, ceramic, and plastic. The type of braces that you get will affect the amount of pain or discomfort you experience. Two of the most common types are metal and ceramic. Both of these deliver the same level of strength in moving teeth into position.

This means that metal and ceramic braces hurt almost the same when first installed. However, some patients say ceramic braces cause less risk of developing canker sores as their brackets are smoother than metal brackets. They cause less friction to the tongue and cheeks.

Aside from metal and ceramic, there are also other newer types that cause less pain such as LightForce braces, self-ligating, Damon system, and Invisalign. LightForce braces are designed to provide gentle pressure to your teeth, while self-ligating braces are made of a special material that does not require elastic bands.

Meanwhile, the Damon system employs a slide mechanism with low-friction brackets and does not require any elastic bands. Invisalign, on the other hand, is an invisible aligner system that uses plastic custom-fitted trays to move teeth instead of brackets and wires.

#2 – Braces pain is usually only during the start of treatment.

Does getting braces hurt? When they are first put in place, they may cause some pain or discomfort. This is due to the fact that the brackets and wires are placed directly on the teeth, which can cause some pressure.

However, the pain does not last long as your mouth will eventually adjust to the braces. You may experience some soreness around the teeth and gums, which is normal as they are adjusting to the new structure. It is also common to experience some tenderness on the lips or cheeks while they are getting used to being around the brackets.

The good news is that the pain does not last very long and should start to fade away within a few days. While getting an adjustment may also cause a certain level of pain, it is not as intense as the initial installation.

#3 – There are ways to minimize pain and discomfort.

Some simple tips you can do to reduce the pain and discomfort of getting braces are:

Does Getting Braces Hurt?

  • Eat softer foods for a few days.
  • Avoid sticky and hard foods like caramels and gum that can get stuck in the braces.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to soothe any discomfort.
  • Apply wax to the brackets if they rub against your cheeks or lips.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen to help manage the pain.
  • Use an ice pack on the sides of your mouth to reduce pain and swelling.

#4 – It is important to follow your orthodontist’s instructions.

Your orthodontist will give you specific instructions on how to care for your braces, as well as tips on how to reduce pain and discomfort. If you’re asking, “does getting braces hurt?”, it is important that you follow these instructions closely in order to get the best results.

Additionally, it is important to attend all of your scheduled appointments so that your orthodontist can check on your progress and make any necessary adjustments. This will help minimize the amount of pain and discomfort that you experience throughout your treatment.

#5 – Not everyone has the same level of pain tolerance.

When answering, “does getting braces hurt?”, you need to know that everyone experiences pain differently. Some people may find that the pain from getting braces does not bother them, while others may find it unbearable. It is important to understand your own level of pain tolerance and talk to your orthodontist if you are having difficulties managing the pain.

Your orthodontist can help you come up with a plan to reduce the pain and make your treatment more comfortable.

#6 – Does getting braces hurt? It means they are working.

The pain from getting braces does not last long and is a sign that your treatment is working. Since the purpose of braces is to move the teeth, some level of discomfort is normal. It means that the braces are doing their job and working to give you a beautiful, straight smile.

It will also depend on how severe your teeth misalignment is, as more complex treatments may take longer and require more adjustments. If you have a minor or mild case, then you may experience less pain and discomfort.

Overall, does getting braces hurt?

Does getting braces hurt? Yes, but it does not last long and there are ways to reduce the pain and discomfort. By following your orthodontist’s instructions, eating soft foods, avoiding sticky and hard foods, using wax and over-the-counter pain relievers, and rinsing your mouth with warm salt water, you can make the process of getting braces more comfortable.

Schedule a Consultation with Your Princeton, NJ Orthodontist Today

Does Getting Braces Hurt?

Dr. Jonathan Nicozisis is a trusted and renowned orthodontist in Princeton, NJ. He and his staff are dedicated to providing personalized care and delivering the highest level of service to their patients.

As a matter of fact, Dr. Nicozisis is a part of the Top 1% Diamond Plus Providers in the nation. This means that he has been recognized for providing superior orthodontic care. He is also a member of the Invisalign National Speaker’s Bureau and Clinical Research Network where he helps conduct research and development of new technologies and improvements to the Invisalign Technique.

Princeton Orthodontics offers all types of braces, including metal braces, ceramic braces, and Invisalign. If you are considering getting braces, schedule a consultation with Dr. Nicozisis today to discuss your treatment options. Dr. Nicozisis will help you determine the best course of action for achieving a healthy, straight smile.

Book an appointment with Dr. Nicozisis today to learn more about, “does getting braces hurt” and how you can minimize any pain or discomfort. You can also contact us or visit our website for more information. We look forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams!