How Long After An Orthodontist Consultation Do You Get Braces

Consulting an orthodontist regarding braces is an important step in your teeth straightening step. Afterward, you’re left wondering, How long after an orthodontist consultation do you get braces? The answer depends on a couple of different factors. Such as how long it takes to develop a treatment plan and when your orthodontist can fit you into his schedule.

Developing a Treatment Plan

Making an appointment with an orthodontist is your first step. During your appointment prepare for panoramic x-rays. He’ll also do a visual inspection of your teeth and gums. The orthodontist will use these visual aids and exams to determine their recommendations for your treatment plan.

You can expect to discuss your expectations in your teeth straightening goals. The orthodontist may need to remove teeth, commonly wisdom teeth if they hadn’t already been removed. They’ll also discuss with you any other dental services that may be needed for optimal tooth health. The cost will also be discussed and how long you’ll most likely be wearing braces.

Types of Braces

Most people imagine braces as a mouth full of metal brackets and wires. And while that can remain true, modern orthodontia has developed a variety of options for lower profile braces. Even the traditional metal variety has become more comfortable to wear. There are also ceramic braces with have a clear ceramic material used for the brackets which makes them less obvious.

The lowest profile option is the clear aligner type, such as Invisalign. Invisalign is a series of molds, similar to retainers, used to straighten your teeth. It has become a very popular choice due to it being removable and unobtrusive. It allows the wearer to feel less self-conscious when smiling or speaking. The removable benefit allows the patient to eat food typically not allowed with traditional braces.

Orthodontist Near Pennington

How long after an orthodontist consultation do you get braces? Typically after the initial exam, it takes about 2-3 weeks to get your braces. Princeton Orthodontics is available for both the initial exam and the treatment. Dr. Nicozisis of Princeton Orthodontics has decades of experience and is a world-renowned lecturer in orthodontia and advanced techniques.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonathan Nicozisis of Princeton Orthodontics to find out which option is right for you. Call (609) 924-7098 to set up your free consultation.


