Braces Treatment in Belle Meade, NJ

If you want a straight smile, you might be considering braces treatment in Belle Meade, NJ. Still, you want to learn a bit more about braces before you schedule your treatment. Find out what to expect during treatment, so you’ll be ready to move forward.

How Long Does It Take to Get Braces Treatment in Belle Meade, NJ?

Braces Treatment Belle Meade NjFirst, you might wonder how long it takes to undergo braces treatment in Belle Meade, New Jersey. It generally takes one to two hours for a Belle Meade orthodontist to put on the braces. This should be the longest of all of your orthodontic appointments for braces.

Treatment Duration

Your orthodontist will go over our treatment plan before you get braces. Your plan will include an estimate of the treatment duration. Most people wear braces for one to three years. The treatment duration depends on different factors, including the severity of your issue and how you care for your braces. Your orthodontist will provide you with instructions that can help you stay on track with your treatment plan.

Cost of Braces

You also probably want to know the average cost of braces. Your orthodontist can provide you with an estimate during your consultation. However, you can expect to pay between $3,000-$7,000 for metal braces or between $4,000-$8,000 for ceramic braces.

The Adjustment Period

You’ll need to go through a short adjustment period during your braces treatment. You might eat a bit slower at first as you get used to wearing the braces. Also, you can expect some mild discomfort for a few days. Your orthodontist will provide some tips you can use to alleviate the discomfort. By the time you make it past the first five to seven days, you should be used to wearing the braces, and the discomfort should be over.

Schedule a Consultation for Braces Treatment in Belle Meade, NJ

Dr. Jonathan Nicozisis of Princeton Orthodontics is the leading provider for braces treatment in Belle Meade, NJ. He offers traditional metal and clear braces, as well as Invisalign. Call (609) 924-7098 to schedule a free consultation at the Princeton, NJ, office.